Feral Hogs
Consistently near the end of the summer, there is a migration of feral hogs that periodically finds itself in the confines of LID 19. We have received a few notices from residents regarding the hogs and what can be done about them. It is important to note that it is the LID’s primary responsibility to protect the levees. In some parts of our LID and throughout the county, LID’s have erected hog fencing to prevent the animals from gaining access to levees where they can cause damage and threaten the integrity of a levee. As a side benefit, the barriers have been successful in limiting their access to homes.
The hog fencing can help, but it is an open system. Hogs, if desired, can travel to the LID 19 interior simply through roads. This means that there is no foolproof barrier method. To help prevent their interest in your property; we suggest the following…
- Treat your lawn for grub worms, a favorite source of food for the hogs.
- Do not leave any food outside. This is for human or pet foods.
- Ensure that your trash is well secured and not accessible.
It is also advisable that you write to your state and federal representatives. The feral hog problem is not contained just in our area, and a regional effort is needed. They need to hear from you to know it is an issue of note.