Update on the Flat Bank Channel Erosion and Repairs
As we all know, the Flat Bank Channel (which you cross over a bridge when you drive from LJ Parkway to Sienna) has suffered many areas of erosion over the past few years. So far these do not pose any imminent danger to our levee system. However, these erosion locations need to be repaired, for the safety of the levee system. Although the Channel is owned and maintained by Fort Bend County Drainage District (FBCDD), LID 19’s Board of Directors has been paying close attention to this issue.
According to FBCDD, the delays in the repair work have largely been attributable to federal funding and approvals fort the project. Below is a rough timeline of events, as reported by FBCDD:
A large reason for the delay is due to the initial recommendation for the use of Scourlok gabion baskets by FEMA. Engineers worked with the Scourlok manufacturer and a soils engineer to determine that FEMA’s initial design to use Scourlok was found to be overly expensive due to the amount of excavation and back fill required. Additionally, the lower limits of excavation could have jeopardized the integrity of the levee. A geologic investigation and soils analysis determined that a revised design to eliminate the Scourlok baskets, flatten the side slopes, decrease the excavation, and use rock riprap to stabilize the toe.
If you have any questions or concerns about the Flat Bank Channel project, please contact the FBCDD or submit an inquiry on LID 19’s website.