Pump Station Updates
Steep Bank Pump Station Expansion Update
The construction of the expansion to the Steep Bank Creek Storm Water Pump Station is progressing. The current capacity of the pump station is 80,000 gallons per minute. The expansion will add 150,000 gallons per minute of additional capacity. The project was on schedule to be completed in June of 2022. However, global supply chain issues with electrical equipment necessary for the completion and operation of the expansion have caused the project’s completion to be pushed to August or September 2022 based on current estimates. Equipment that used to be available in days is taking weeks and equipment that took weeks is taking months for delivery.
The pump station is currently available to pump 80,000 gallons per minute and the District’s mobile pumps with a total capacity of 81,000 gallons per minute have remained deployed and are available for use should they be needed. The mobile pumps will remain deployed until the expansion of the pump station is complete, and possibly beyond.
Lost Creek Pump Station Update
Fort Bend County LID 19 applied for and received a zero % interest rate loan from Texas Water Development Board (TWBD) for the planning, design, and construction of the new storm water pump station in the Steep Bank Creek service area. First Colony LID, and Fort Bend County MUD 115 participated in sharing the financial burden of this project. We are very grateful for this participation.
The pump station will provide an additional 200,000 gallons per minute of capacity to the Steep Bank Creek service area, with backup power for the system to be used in case of the grid power failure. The geotechnical investigation and survey work are completed. The environmental work associated with the project has been completed and is being reviewed by the TWDB. Design, including mechanical, structural and electrical, are currently underway and anticipate 90% completion by the end of the summer 2022. Following plan reviews by the TWDB, County and City of Missouri City, we plan to publicly bid the project in 1Q 2023 and construction to follow shortly after that. It is estimated that construction will take 18 months once started.