Fort Bend County EOC: Situation Report #4
Please find below an update from the Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Center:
Please find below an update from the Fort Bend County Emergency Operations Center:
As an update to yesterday’s post, we wanted to include the latest hydrologic predictions for the Brazos River at Richmond. This reading serves as a barometer to the severity of a storm. As you can see at 8:15 pm tonight they accounted for an increase in predicted rainfall. The river is still expected to fall during the weekend, but for the next few days, we will be entering into a flood stage.
Any water level in the Brazos at Richmond that rises to 45 feet is considered a flood stage. From 45’ to 48’ it is considered a “minor flood stage.” At 48 feet it is considered a “moderate flood stage.” Higher than 50’ is a Harvey type event and is a “major flood event.” You can find this information here. At this time the event is still considered to be a “minor flood stage.”
Over the past week, the levee operator (LMS) has been pumping down the water levels in preparation for the event. As you may recall after Harvey LID 19 and LID 15 purchased twelve (12) portable pumping units adding additional power for the district. These are located at the Steep Bank Pump Station and are expected to be pumping this week in addition to the standard pumps. These portable units will add an extra 81,000 gallons per minute pumping power to the district.
As a reminder during rain events, you will see higher levels of water in the ponds and levees. Periods of heavy rains may produce ponding on the streets. These will be temporary situations as the pumps catch up to a downpour. Please drive safely and do not attempt to drive into high waters.
We will post the hydrologic indicators and provide additional updates throughout the event.
Recently you may have noticed a rise in the river. To remind everyone, once the river reaches a certain level our gates close and we begin pumping any excess water out of the district. High water events are rated minor, moderate and high. This is predicted to be a minor level water event. We do not anticipate any issues. The district equipment is working as expected and the river levels are predicted to drop over the next few days.
Please remember, you may see increased detention pond levels as well as street ponding during heavy rains until we can get water levels pumped down. At this time, all internal levels are empty and we will continue to keep them as low as possible throughout the week as rain enters our area.
We will provide a new post if any of the conditions change. Otherwise we will use this thread to update the water levels periodically through the week.